LymeX® Gallery
LymeX® Projects Gallery
LymeX® is best left unmowed and minimally fertilized, if at all. Fertilization will contribute to its height and weediness. Once a year, in May or June, wispy seedstalks will shoot up taller than the grass itself, as shown in the gallery pictures below. The inventor Christina Kobland likes to leave the taller seedstalks as she thinks they’re delicate and beautiful. They aid in erosion control, plus will drop their seed to fill in any gaps. Feel free to mow off the seedstalks if preferred. For those customers wishing a more manicured look, mow the grass several times annually, taking care to mow at the highest possible setting on cool cloudy days, preferably before a scheduled rainfall.
Seed heavily at 400 pounds LymeX® per acre, and reseed immature stands until full coverage is achieved. The secret to the wildlife deterrence is to maintain a solid stand of LymeX®, free of weeds and unintended grasses. Consult your agricultural extension service or garden center on how best to control weeds and other grasses. Tell them LymeX® is a mix of 100% fine fescue grasses.
Our purpose is to provide beautiful lawns that minimize the expense and energy of the homeowner while providing an additional layer of safety for families and their yards.